Gender and Pay Stats 2018

On December 5th 2018, The Drum released an article called “Diageo CMO pens letter to agency bosses asking for gender diversity and pay gap stats”. Within the article it states that “Gráinne Wafer, the global head of brand for Bailey’s… had been met with “blank faces” from a number of bosses” when Diageo initially began asking agencies for gender and pay statistics in July of 2018.
Whilst we do not work with Diageo, we saw this as an opportunity to lead by example and release our gender and pay stats.
We may only be a small company but we are striving to build our agency the right way, with gender equity and transparency with our team, clients and partners.
Full Time Employees:
Total Number:
Managing Director
Client Director
Male: 50%
Female: 50%
Average men’s salary: £8424.00
Average women’s salary: £8424.00
Regular Freelancers:
Total Number:
Creatives: 2
Marketing: 1
Events: 1
Male: 20%
Female: 80%
Average men’s day rate: £200.00
Average women’s day rate: £185.00
What we can learn from this:
By spending the time calculating and then publishing our gender and pay stats we can see that we have an exact 50/50 split at the Full Time Employees level which is not surprising considering the two full time employees are also the two directors of the company.
With our freelancers, it’s clear from the gender split that we have an large imbalance here. This is not something we are worried about whilst the team is small, however, as we grow our freelance roster and begin looking to move some roles to full time we should monitor this imbalance.
The average day rate between our male and female freelancers is not equal. There are a few reasons for the 7.5% difference that we can see.
- All of our female freelancers work remotely so day rate does not include travel costs.
- There are a larger amount of female freelancers which means the day rate cost is subject to averaging whilst we only have one male freelancer so there was no need to calculate an average.
- Different job roles have different day rate costs and due to gender imbalance, all the averaging is happening to the women’s pay.
Within these statistics we have not looked into cultural or ethnic diversity. We should ensure to acknowledge our privileges and unconscious biases as our staff and freelance roster continues grows to ensure we have a diverse range of perspectives among the team.