VR in a Bar – Summer Edition

We have had a couple of awesome sunny days across the UK so we thought we would put the summer VR in a Bar event in the diary.
For the first time we are taking #VRinaBar to the Loading Bar’s new venue in Stratford, we are super excited to try out the new location. (Stratford Loading Secret Weapon) If you want to find out more about Loading Bar check out the website.
Exhibitors confirmed so far are:
4PM Games with Negotiator VR, Unit 9, Fourthwall, Opto, Subpac, Pystec Games, VRgo Chair, Momentum VR and Property Scape.
We have more exhibitors to be confirmed in the next week.
Tickets guarantee entrance and a free drink on us. Tickets will go fast so make sure you grab them before the night. Follow the link here.
If you would like to find out more about the event or would like to exhibit your VR game or experience get in touch with Samantha – samantha@virtualumbrella.marketing