Ravensbourne teams up with Virtual Umbrella for new virtual reality event for content creators

Ravensbourne, the London-based university sector college has announced a new partnership with the virtual reality agency Virtual Umbrella to produce its first ever virtual reality event, VRUK, to be held on 10-11 February at its campus on the Greenwich Peninsula, made possible with the support of Creative Skillset.
The event will bring together content creators from across the Creative Industries to find out more about the possibilities of interactive storytelling by hearing from leading VR experts and experiencing the latest innovative projects and technologies. Speakers already confirmed include: Emily Cooper (VRC), Sol Rogers (Rewind), Sarah Jones (360 Immersive Lab), Nick Pittom (Fire Panda), Dean Johnson (Brandwidth Group) and Matt Ratcliffe (Masters of Pie). Speakers soon to be confirmed from Visualise, Visyon360, Stink Digital, Rubber Republic and Hammerhead VR.
VRUK is supported by Creative Skillset’s Film Skills Fund, which is funded by the BFI with National Lottery funds, through the Skills Investment Fund.
Claire Selby, Interim Head of Commercial Relationship at Ravensbourne said: “Ravensbourne is constantly striving to champion innovation. We are thrilled to be working with Virtual Umbrella on VRUK, to develop an event that pushes the boundaries of storytelling and technology and take participants to new virtual worlds.”
Bertie Millis, Managing Director from Virtual Umbrella said: “We are very excited to be working with Ravensbourne on this fantastic event, there are some amazing virtual reality films and stories out there and we cannot wait to share them with our audience.”
Registration is now open and earlybird rates available throughout December. Find out more and sign up to attend at www.vrukfest.co.uk
Press Contact:
For all press enquiries, please contact Claire Doughty on c.doughty@rave.ac.uk or tel: +44 (0)7941 877829
Notes to Editors:
About Ravensbourne (www.ravensbourne.ac.uk)
Ravensbourne is a world-class digital destination developing talented individuals and leading-edge businesses through learning, skills, applied research, enterprise and innovation. They are a university sector college innovating in digital media and design, with a vocationally focused portfolio of courses, spanning fashion, television and broadcasting, interactive product design, architecture and environment design, graphic design, animation, moving image, music production for media and sound design.
About Virtual Umbrella
Virtual Umbrella is the world’s first marketing & PR agency focusing on the virtual reality sector, representing a number of virtual reality developers, hardware manufacturers and production studios. They also run numerous events throughout the year with the goal of spreading consumer adoption of virtual reality.
About Creative Skillset
Creative Skillset empowers the Creative Industries to develop skills and talent; we do this by influencing and shaping policy, ensuring quality and by securing the vital investment for individuals to become the best in their field and for businesses to grow. As the industry skills body for the Creative Industries, we work across film, television, radio, animation, visual effects, games, fashion, textiles, advertising, marketing communications and publishing. www.creativeskillset.org.
About the Film Skills Fund
Creative Skillset’s Film Skills Fund, as part of its film skills strategy, is funded by the BFI with National Lottery funds and through the Skills Investment Funds, which comprise industry and government co-investment. The film skills strategy focuses on addressing the vital skills and training needs of the industry to deliver maximum economic and cultural return: creating jobs, strengthening skills, building skills for the future and ensuring world-class film education.